Henry Allen
Premium Estimating LLC
License Number
Pembroke Pines, FL, USA
(850) 343-4099
Estimating, Estimating Tools- Software, Estimating Tools-Take Off Services
Hope you are doing great.
Our office is located in PEMBROKE PINES, FLORIDA. Here is the link to our website :https://premiumestimating.com
We do every type of Project residential, commercial, government and industrial. We are providing our services all over the US, Canada and Australia.
We use software like Blue Beam, Plan Swift, Xactimate and On Center software to get the quantities out. As our quantities are software based that's why we claim 98-100% accuracy in our quantities. For the pricing we use an online source called RS Means and to double check our numbers we directly call vendors and suppliers of the area where the project is going to be executed so that's how we work.
Moreover, Our charges and turnaround time totally depends on the scope of work, complexity in the plans & the trades you want us to estimate. If you are holding up any project right now then just send over the plans and mention the scope of work so we can have a look at them and give you a quote for the price & turnaround time.
Let me know if you have any further query or send us the plans if you have any job for us. Thanks.